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Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Who am I?

Being an undergraduate student in LG220 course is a real challenge to me. Here, I learn how to be a writer, a web developer, person who deals with graphics, management, marketing, and all those stuff. So basically, I can be what I want to, no restriction since I have all those basics in me. So again, who am I? I have no answer for the question.  I don't really have any goal ahead of me, just finishing all those assignments given. Gaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

But still, I enjoy my life here, in APB. The courses are just awesome, well yeah, even if we're loaded with works, I still have fun being a student here. And soorrryyyy for not updating daily, I have troubles with diaries (blog is some kind of an e-Diary for me).

Till then!
Wednesday, 3 April 2013


Presentation again and received new assignment, again -_-
But I think this one assignment here is fun. Finding a product that hasn't been commercialized and make the user guide or the manual of it. Interesting huh? But what is the uncommercialized product? Thinking...thinking...
In order to know how to make a manual, we were asked to present on user guides and know the format of the document. Sooooo, me, Yana and Intan presented on a Do-It-Yourself bag.

Taraaaaaaaaa! A Twittaah bag :D

The unstitched bag

We presented on how to make this as the first picture up there, stitching and all.  I would looooveee to buy this! Gaaaawwddd!
Here, there are other styles available as well.

These pictures end my entry today! :D
p/s: I can't wait to go to the Mock Restaurant and a Queen's-English-Day!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Student's Living Hell

Never been better, never been busier. Assignments are piling up and I forgot to update my blog -_-
Presentations have somewhat turned into something normal. Even though it's quite troublesome, I find it beneficial. Well yeah, that's one way for me to polish up my fluency in speaking, isn't it?

With programs coming up and all, I feel restless and I usually never sleeps later than 11pm so yeaaahhh, I sees zombie in the mirror for these past few days.

I don't actually look like this, by the way

But it is a blessing, seriously it is, to have such wonderful classmates! I love my course, I love my classmates. Hoyeeaahh!

Heyloowww 4C!