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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

To be or not to be.

So today would the blogging day and the two previous classes are uhmm, well, encouraging enough. I guess. So! To push this drowsiness away, me and a friend, did online quizzes. Personality quizzes, to be precise. Uh huuuhhh o.O
I first did the quiz on what colour suits the personality. I got the pink colour. PINK! Oh gooood, have mercy. Why pink, of all colours. (Please ignore the fact that I'm wearing pink today). Intan got orange and yes, that suits her. (She's also wearing orange today. What, does your garment's colour aaffect tour answer? Seriously?)
So then, another quiz, what animal personality personality are you? Hmm hmmmmm. I got...otter
This cute little thing doesn't suit meehhhh!
See what I mean? -,-
And Intan got the horse. Nyehehe. It doesn't suit her actually but, well, it's just a game.
Putting that aside, I still have assignments waiting to be completed *sigh
And this ends my entry today.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Little meringue

Tuesday would be the busiest day for me. Class from morning to evening. Sometimes, exhaustion makes me want to stay at home, baking cakes (I don't know how to bake,  but that's outside the point). And earlier this morning was the first time I attended my MGT417 class. I wasn't really sure what to expect but hey, it actually turned out okay. See, that's why they say, assuming is killing. Meehh, it's what I say actually, but who cares anyway.

So basically, all the classes today was interesting enough to keep me from sleeping and I sure hope I can do well for all assessments. Yeahh, same resolve every semester but somehow, it is very difficult to be kept
Whyy ohh whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

The best part of my day, the one period where I look forward to everyday, lunchtime :D
So todaaayyy, me and a couple of friends went to have lunch at this new restaurant (well, I think it has opened for quite some time but yeah, who cares. It was my first time) and I think the place is awesome. The interior design is uhhmm so-so but the menu and the service is what matters most. As long as the diner is comfortable enough for customers, there shouldn't be any problem. 

They have this attractive menu booklet with colourful pictures of the food and I tried this one drink called 'Kweamy Mango'. Kweamyyyy? Whatever.

And whyyy exactly am I babbling about this? It reminds me of my hell-like marketing class where we need to understand the value of customer. Just to make things clear, language is my major and business courses are the minor. I don't plan to work in business field but I think the courses I take, or have taken for that matters, really help me to adapt with surroundings. Do I make sense? No? Well, who cares.

And the best part is, the restaurant sells pavlovaaaaaaaaa! :D
You know, my sentence here is quite ambiguous. Is it the workers in the restaurant are the ones who sell pavlova or the restaurant itself is waving its hand to attract customer? o.O
Well, all is pragmatics ;)
Care to take a picture of my writing and show it to Dr Cynthia? Meeeeehhhh :p

And to end today's entry, a cute little yummy meringue cake :)

Anybody knows how to bake this, please teach meeeehhhh

Monday, 25 March 2013

Be classy, be vintage

Do you love shop? Clothes? Shoes? Bags? (Well, this applies to girls only, I think)
And what would cross your mind if I say, vintage fashion?


Or this?

I don't really go for vintage but I admit that the fashion itself is fabulous. And yeah, Lana del Rey looks best in vintage fashion. 

So why am I talking about fashion today? Work honey, work.
We just received our new assignment for course EPC550, and it says, we have to create a business portfolio. Ahaaaa! This should be difficult but since we had done something quite similar (IT WAS MORE DIFFICULT THAN THIS!) for our marketing course, I'm sure we can make use of the knowledge and experience we gained beforehand in completing the task.

Therefore, me, and my other three team members have decided to work on clothing business. We chose vintage fashion as our main theme. Basically, the assignment is quite easy. Create a brochure of our shop and the items we sell (obviously, this is just imaginary. Don't come and ask me for my shop address. I don't have any) and design a website for the shop. Photoshop works (Thank youuuuuuuu Dr. O!).

To end today's entry, some more pictures of vintage fashion ;)

P/S: I love pastel colours!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Pragmatics much?

Since 4C has no class for today, Port Dickson, here I am!
So today, I went out with my mother and get into this shop here. It says "Cuci Gudang". Whaaaaaat? When I first heard my mom said that she wanted to go there, I said "What kind of shop is this? A cleaning service?" I seriously don't understand. Like, genuinely don't understand. It turned out that the shop is closing down and they have this mega sale here. Owh, so that's what they meant by 'cuci gudang' -____-

And this is where pragmatics plays its role. We have to understand the underlying meaning of something, the semantic of the sentence instead of just looking at the syntactic part of the structure. Yeah yeaahhh, so I am being all academician today. Hell, no. I am just applying the knowledge I've gained in UiTM for these past few years. Well, I've been in UiTM Shah Alam since I'm 18 ^^

The moral of the story, study pragmatics so you'll understand humans better. Hoyeeaahhh! 
And this ends today's entry. Be safe people.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Sweet as Honey, Tempting as Cupcake.

Here comes my second blogging day. Do I feel excited? No, I don't T.T

But hey, what's fun in life if you are not taking up challenges? For some people, life can be viewed as something wonderful while others might not. Starts school from six year old, finishes high school at the age of 17, continues with the studies, continue die.
What kind of thinking is this???

So heeeyyy, let me introduce, a new way of viewing your life! :D
Being a human doesn't always mean that you have to struggle all the way through. Obviously, effort is very important but it is also important for you to appreciate life itself. Looking at it from different angle, being a student doesn't always mean burden. Remember all the happy moments, all the memories, friendship.

That's why they say...
Being a student in this LG220 course, I am blessed with wonderful people. Working with lecturers who actually understand who their students are, is indeed a relief. Having way waayyyy too many assignments this semester is a total headache to us (me, to be precise) but with lecturers who are just way too cool, everything seems to be fun (in a way, it does).

So, this ends my entry today. Till then! :D

Assuming is Killing.

For being someone who has no passion writing in diary, I find it hard to actually write a blog. Do I really write what I feel or do I write according to what my blog visitors would prefer to read? Different people would definitely have different personalities and interest. Some might actually be interested in my writing while the others might feel the other way around. No hard feeling though, seriously ^^

But then again, reading something that is not in accordance to interest can possibly give negative impact to the readers. People tend to hold to their beliefs and blatantly disregard others opinion. Let's face the fact. When we read something that we don't agree with, our mind would quickly make assumptions about the writer. Well, at least I did. See the verb I used there, DID. I used to make assumptions (in worst case scenario, I laughed and criticized) about who the writer might be depending on what he or she wrote. Honestly, most teenagers (or in my case, a so-called young adult) do that. 

But that was a year ago. I am now an undergraduate student, pursuing my degree in English as Professional Communication in UiTM, Shah Alam. Not trying to be all academician and goad my lecturers for bonus mark but the courses here really help me to understand people better. I learnt that assumptions can kill. I now know that assuming can lead to something severe. We should not be ignorant and try to open up our mind a bit. I am now open to hear critics, comments and etc. Not to say that I will completely not be offended (that would make me less human, heartless you may say) but I will be positive enough to be polite and smile. Cool, huh?

This will end my entry for today. Let me share my new motto with you, awesome readers, "Before you assume, try this scientifically proven method called asking". 
Happy trying! :D