Here comes my second blogging day. Do I feel excited? No, I don't T.T
But hey, what's fun in life if you are not taking up challenges? For some people, life can be viewed as something wonderful while others might not. Starts school from six year old, finishes high school at the age of 17, continues with the studies, continue die.
What kind of thinking is this???
So heeeyyy, let me introduce, a new way of viewing your life! :D
Being a human doesn't always mean that you have to struggle all the way through. Obviously, effort is very important but it is also important for you to appreciate life itself. Looking at it from different angle, being a student doesn't always mean burden. Remember all the happy moments, all the memories, friendship.
That's why they say...
Being a student in this LG220 course, I am blessed with wonderful people. Working with lecturers who actually understand who their students are, is indeed a relief. Having way waayyyy too many assignments this semester is a total headache to us (me, to be precise) but with lecturers who are just way too cool, everything seems to be fun (in a way, it does).
So, this ends my entry today. Till then! :D
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